URI President Nathaniel Fields Pens NY Daily News Op-Ed
Domestic violence is the leading cause of murders of women in New York City—in 2012, 2 out of every 3 female homicides resulted from an instance of domestic abuse. Yet we often turn a blind eye to the violence next door, and rarely discuss this life-or-death issue...
URI Provides Domestic Violence Assistance at New Family Justice Center
URI will partner with the NYC Mayor’s Office, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, and other civil legal and community-based organizations to provide safe, supportive services to domestic violence victims at a new NYC Family Justice Center (FJC) opening in...
Staff Spotlight
Regina Morrison, Senior Counselor, Marguerite T. Saunders Urban Center for Alcoholism and Addiction Services (MS-UCAS) Growing up in Sierra Leone, West Africa, “It takes a village to raise a child” was the norm. Intervening and mediating was part of our day-to-day...
Purina Supports PALS
URI is proud to team up with Purina in support of URIPALS (URI People and Animals Living Safely). United by the belief that people and pets are better together, URI and Purina hope to raise awareness about the impact of abuse on the entire family—including pets—and...
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